Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to Get Massive Traffic For Free With Long Tail Keyword Optimization

Most people think the only way to get lots of search engine traffic for free is if you optimize your website and build those large quantity of back links all of which must of high quality etc... Well, that certainly works but do you realize how difficult this is for competitive keywords? Also do you realize there is no guarantee you will make it to the top 4 of your targeted keyword phrase. Imagine spending hundreds of hours and a few thousand dollars is Search Engine Optimization or what not only to realize you are still not anywhere in the top 5 Search Results for your targeted phrase. Personally, I don`t like to gamble neither with my time nor my money.
I understand one must take some risk but I prefer e more calculated small risk with everything I do. So my conclusion is this is a high risk business strategy especially if you rely on a return within say 3 months in order to stay afloat. What most people don`t realize is that getting to that top position for 1 or 2 highly competitive term that gets say 1000 daily searches is not your only option to getting high volume traffic. The secret most web entrepreneurs don`t exploit is called long tail keyword targeting. Long tail keyword phrase simply means keyword phrases with minimum 5 keywords. For example, "golf clubs" without the quotes is a very competitive phrase that gets 3000 daily seaches in google but "how to fit golf clubs" gets only 20 searches daily. To rank in top 5 for "golf clubs" you may need 2000 one way backlinks from quality sites but "how to fit golf clubs" maybe only 1 or maybe none.
That`s great you say but what I am gonna do with 20 searches per day? Well first off all let me state a rule of fact that is almost always true with long tail keywords. Long tail keyword phrases are always more targeted therefore you can expect a higher visitor to conversion ratio. That means those 3000 "golf club" visitors will convert at 1:100 while the "how to fit golf clubs" may be 1:30. And the second trick is this. If you can target 1 long tail keyword for the niche golf clubs, why can`t you target 200 or 500 all pointing to a different targeted page on your site. Do you see what I`m getting at? Let`s say you use a keyword tool to generate related keyword phrases and you find 200 that are long tail(at least 4 words lets say).
Then lets say you run each one that you think will bring you at least 5 searches per day but no more then 10 to minimize competition and ease of ranking. (you can confirm this with wordtracker or overture search suggestion tool) You take these 200 keywords phrases and you build your site with 200 pages making sure each one of these page is optimized for each of these keyword phrases. Since your keywords are such low low competition it will be a breeze to rank each one of these pages in Google in top 3. So what have we done? We now have a total of min 5 x 200 = 1000 daily search volume for more laser targeted keywords(long tail always is). If we compare this to our broad keywords "golf clubs" which was getting 3000 daily searches we esentially will make the same amount of sales or conversions with only 1000 daily searches because they are 3 x more likely to convert to a sale.
But the biggest advantage of this stragety is that it is virtually guaranteed to work. All you need to do is do the hard word with keyword research and building the 200 pages. If gawk at the though of building 200 pages all manually source the work out. There are people who create sites like this for even $500 or less. Just do your due diligence. You wan`t as original content as possible because it matters with google. Good luck.

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